






徵求 助理教授()以上專任教師壹名


 1. 資格:

  • 具有國內外大學博士學位。
  • 有志於從事有機高分子材料相關之研究及教學。
  • 至起聘日止,”具備一年以上與任教領域相關之業界實務工作經驗,但本法施行(2015年1月14日)前已在職之專任合格教師,不在此限。前項與任教領域相關之業界實務工作經驗之認定標準,由中央主管機關定之。”(技術及職業教育法第25條) 。
  • 能配合擔任本系大學部及研究所必修課程之教學。
  • 能勝任英文教學。

 2. 檢附資料:申請者請備妥下列文件:

  • 本系徵聘教師申請表(請見附檔或至本系網頁下載)(電子檔請另寄至mse@mail.ntust.edu.tw)。
  • 個人學經歷證明。
  • 個人著作目錄(並標註在每篇文章之貢獻及代表著作) 。
  • 推薦信兩封。
  • 未來的研究與教學計畫。
  • 其他有利審查之證明文件。

 3. 起聘日期:2018年2月1日。

 4. 申請截止日期: 2017年08月31日前寄達或送達本系辦公室。本系收件後一週內會以E-mail通知。

 5. 郵寄地址:106台北市大安區基隆路4段43號國立台灣科技大學材料科學與工程系 系主任收。(封面請註明「應徵教師」)

 6. 所寄資料請自留底稿,恕不退件。

 7. 應聘教師所繳交之個人資料僅限於聘任作業使用,非經當事人同意絶不轉做其他用途,並遵循個人資料保護法辦理。

 8. Position: A faculty position at all levels will be available starting February 1st, 2018.

 9. Desired Qualifications:

  • A Ph. D. degree.
  • Conduct research and teaching responsibility in organic and polymer materials.
  • At least one year (after obtaining Ph. D. degree) working experience in related fields
  • Ability to teach core courses at undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Ability to teach in English

 10. Application Documents:

  • Applicants should fill in the application form. The application form is available through e-mail request. (File sent to: mse@mail.ntust.edu.tw)
  • Applicant’s C. V. with a copy of Ph.D. degree certificate (For those holding the foreign degree(s), the applicant should obtain the official verification for his/her degree certificate from the relevant ROC (Taiwan) embassy or the foreign authority by ROC (Taiwan) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO), and Taipei Representative Office.
  • Publication List (including one representative publication). The applicant’s contribution in each publication should be specified.
  •  Two recommendation letters.
  • Future plan in research and teaching.
  • Other documents that might facilitate the application.

 11. The position starts February 01, 2018.

 12. Application deadline: August 31, 2017. After receiving your application materials, we will inform you by e-mail.

 13. Mailing address:

Chairman Prof. Yee-Wen Yen.(Please indicate “faculty application” on the envelope).

Address:Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, No. 43, Sec 4, Keelung Road, Taipei 10607, Taiwan


聯絡人/ Contact Person:顏怡文/ Chairman Prof. Yee-Wen Yen

電話/ Tel:+886-2-27376516



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