學校名稱 |
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University |
工作地址 |
系統及船舶機電工程學系 Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering |
職稱 |
徵求 助理教授以上一名 an opening position for Assistant Professor |
工作性質 |
資格專長:船舶科技系統應用方面,如造船工程等相關領域博士。 Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering has an opening position for Assistant Professor in the following areas: PhD. in Naval Technology System Application including: •Naval Architecture Design (The applicant who has naval architecture capabilities and experience will be given priority.) 起聘日期:105年08月01日 Job starting: 01/Aug/2016 應徵截止:105年02月14日止(以郵戳為憑) Deadline: 14/ Feb /2016 繳交資料:
郵寄地址: 701台南市大學路1號 國立成功大學系統及船舶機電工程學系 系主任 沈聖智 About documents must be sent to: Dr. Shen, Sheng-Chih (Department Chairman) No.1 University Road, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering National Cheng Kung University |
學校連絡人資訊 |
系主任 沈聖智 Dr. Shen, Sheng-Chih (Department Chairman) E-Mail:scshen@mail.ncku.edu.tw 電話/TEL:(06)2747018轉201或 (06)2757575轉63501 傳真/FAX:(06)2747019 網址/Web Site: http://w3.sname.ncku.edu.tw/ |